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September, 2015
A Taste of West Cork – Seaweed Identification Walk (Now Fully Booked Out)
On this seaweed walk and talk you will be shown how to identify and sustainably harvest edible seaweeds.
Find out more »Celtic Fringe Festival – Seaweed Identification Walk
“Seaweeds at Streedagh: Hidden treasures uncovered” Cost €20 includes a signed complimentary copy of laminated pocket sized Guide to Edible Seaweeds.
Find out more »August, 2019
Sligo Seaweed Experience (Sunday 4th August)
Seaweed identification walk and talk with tastings. Join Dr. Prannie Rhatigan for a fun and educational walk at the seashore to discover the amazing world of edible seaweeds. 1:30-4:00pm Bring a packed lunch and Prannie will bring seaweed pesto to taste and chocolate truffle seaweed treats for dessert. Also a herb tea to refresh us – so bring a mug! Book by sending an e mail €50 includes walk and talk, laminated Guide to edible seaweeds to take away and…
Find out more »Coney Island Experience 2019
A magical trip to Coney Island to identify seaweeds on the shore with Dr Prannie Rhatigan who has just returned with a first from the Gourmand Best in the world Awards in China. After the walk, picnic on chowder cooked on the open fire by Anthony Gray - well-known Sligo foodie and owner of the Eala Bhán and Hooked Restaurants. Seaweed has always been on the menu in Sligo. Learn to identify Irish edible seaweeds for yourself! All age groups…
Find out more »Sligo Seaweed Experience (Saturday 17th August)
Seaweed identification walk and talk with tastings. Join Dr. Prannie Rhatigan for a fun and educational walk at the seashore to discover the amazing world of edible seaweeds. 12:30-3:00pm Bring a packed lunch and Prannie will bring seaweed pesto to taste and chocolate truffle seaweed treats for dessert. Also a herb tea to refresh us – so bring a mug! Book by sending an e mail €50 includes walk and talk, laminated Guide to edible seaweeds to take away and…
Find out more »Sligo Seaweed Day
A full day tasting and learning about seaweed- including roll your own sushi (vegetarian options) lunch workshop. Taste seaweed pesto and learn how to make this and seaweed chocolate truffles. Meet in the local village of Grange and travel 2 miles to a sandy beach to start the adventure Cost of day €95 includes welcome tea, herb tea and coffee, guided walk to identify seaweeds, Laminated Guide to edible seaweeds to use and take away, seaweed cookery demo, roll your…
Find out more »August, 2022
Sligo Seaweed Experience (Saturday 13th August)
3 hours on Saturday, August 13th, 2022 registration @ 11.00 am (Also 3 hours on Sunday, August 14th 2022- registration @ 11.30 am) Streedagh Beach Seaweed identification walks and talks with tastings. Join Dr. Prannie Rhatigan for a fun and educational walk at the seashore to discover the amazing world of edible seaweeds. Bring a packed lunch and Prannie will bring seaweed pesto to taste and chocolate truffle seaweed treats for dessert. Also a herb tea to refresh us –…
Find out more »Sligo Seaweed Experience (Sunday 14th August)
3 hours on Sunday, August 14th 2022- registration @ 11.30 am (Also 3 hours on Saturday, August 13th 2022- registration @ 11.00 am) Streedagh Beach Seaweed identification walks and talks with tastings. Join Dr. Prannie Rhatigan for a fun and educational walk at the seashore to discover the amazing world of edible seaweeds. Bring a packed lunch and Prannie will bring seaweed pesto to taste and chocolate truffle seaweed treats for dessert. Also a herb tea to refresh us –…
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